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Monday, August 9, 2010

Herbalife Vitamin-Mineral Herbal Complex

Fast facts:
- It’s rich in iron which helps in the absorption of excess water in the body.
- Each tablet provides potassium, vitamin C, lecithin and iron.
- It’s also known as Anti-sag or Anti-Bilbil tablets in the Philippines.

- It helps prevent water retention in the body.
- It helps reduce the appearance of cellulites in thighs, buttocks, hips and waist.

Vitamin-Mineral Herbal Complex is taken daily, 3 times a day. It helps reduce the appearance dimpled skin by eliminating the excess fluids from our bodies. Because it helps prevent water retention, including this product in a any type of weight loss programs result in a faster weight loss.

Take 1 tablet 3 x a day with meals. It can be used together with Herbalife Formula1 Nutritional Shake Mix and and Herbalife Fiber and Herb Tablets.

Weight Loss Tips:
 - For best weight management results, include Herbalife Formula1 Nutritional Shake Mix and and Herbalife Fiber and Herb Tablets with the VM Herbal Complex in your weight loss plan.

- Use with Herbalife Body Buffing Scrub and Body Contouring Crème to help in the fast firming of your skin while using a fitness program.



Calcium carbonate; a special combination of the following extracts: Couch grass (56mg), Hydrangea (56mg) Whey (50mg), Kelp (33mg), Cider Vinegar (33mg), Juniper Berry (28mg) Buchu Leaf (14mg), Corn silk (14mg), and Uva Ursi (14mg); Magnesium Stearate, Food grade shellac, acacia gum, Potassium (33mg), Vitamin C (25mg), Lecithin (8mg) and Iron (1mg).

Visit my store at if you're interested  for an effective Weight Management Program.


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